

Questo blog è una guida italiana completa e gratuita all'uso della classe Paladino Healer di World of Warcraft scritta da un gruppo di giocatori più o meno esperti che collaborano tra loro per la realizzazione.
Scopo unico aiutare tutti i giocatori italiani che hanno un Pally Holy alla crescita, sviluppo e miglioramento del personaggio.

Chiunque può partecipare alla realizzazione, anche tu!
Se hai un articolo, una opinione o una correzione contattaci!!!


2 dicembre 2011

Gear pre-raid (Patch 4.3)

In questo post mi limito ad elencare tutti i pezzi, del tier e non, disponibili per il pally healer con relativa zona o boss di drop.
Per il momento mi sono limitato ad elencare esclusivamente i pezzi da paladino ma presto aggiornerò questo elenco con i pezzi da healer di classe mista (anelli, trinket, back, shield e weapon).

Paladin Tier 13 (Holy): Headguard of Radiant Glory - Headguard of Radiant Glory - Headguard of Radiant Glory (Dragon Soul: Warmaster Blackhorn, Crown of the Corrupted Conqueror)
Glowing Wings of Hope (2200 valor)
Helm of Power (Well of Eternity: Mannoroth and Varo'then)
Paladin Tier 12 (Holy): Immolation Headguard - Immolation Headguard (Firelands: Ragnaros)
Casque of Flame - Casque of Flame  (Firelands: Baleroc)

Paladin Tier 13 (Holy): Mantle of Radiant Glory - Mantle of Radiant Glory - Mantle of Radiant Glory  (Dragon Soul: Hagara the Stormbinder, Shoulders of the Corrupted Conqueror)
Pauldrons of Conviction (Hour of Twilight: Archbishop Benedictus)
Paladin Tier 12 (Holy): Immolation Mantle - Immolation Mantle (Firelands: Majordomo Staghelm)
Spaulders of Manifold Eyes - Spaulders of Manifold Eyes (Firelands: Beth'tilac

Paladin Tier 13 (Holy): Breastplate of Radiant Glory - Breastplate of Radiant Glory - Breastplate of Radiant Glory (Dragon Soul: Ultraxion, Chest of the Corrupted Conqueror)
Shining Carapace of Glory (2200 valor)
Breastplate of Despair (End Time: Zone Drop)
Paladin Tier 12 (Holy): Immolation Breastplate - Immolation Breastplate (2200 justice - Heroic token: Alysrazor)
Clutch of the Firemother - Clutch of the Firemother (Firelands: Alysrazor)

Heartblood Wristplates - Heartblood Wristplates - Heartblood Wristplates (Dragon Soul: Yor'sahj the Unsleeping)
 Flashing Bracers of Warmth (1250 valor)
Soul Redeemer Bracers (Blacksmithing: Soul Redeemer Bracers)
Bracers of the Dread Hunter - Bracers of the Dread Hunter  (Firelands: Shannox)
Bracers of Imperious Truths (1250 justice)
Bindings of Bleak Betrayal (Bastion of Twilight: Sinestra)

Paladin Tier 13 (Holy): Gloves of Radiant Glory - Gloves of Radiant Glory - Gloves of Radiant Glory (Dragon Soul: Warlord Zon'ozz, Gauntlets of the Corrupted Conqueror)
Gauntlets of the Golden Thorn - Gauntlets of the Golden Thorn - Gauntlets of the Golden Thorn (Dragon Soul: Spine of Deathwing)
Gleaming Grips of Mending (1650 valor)
Paladin Tier 12 (Holy): Immolation Gloves - Immolation Gloves (1650 justice - Heroic token: Baleroc)
Grips of the Raging Giant - Grips of the Raging Giant (Firelands: Lord Rhyolith)
Holy Flame Gauntlets (Blacksmithing: Holy Flame Gauntlets)

Dragonfracture Belt - Dragonfracture Belt - Dragonfracture Belt (Dragon Soul: Ultraxion)
Girdle of Soulful Mending (Dragon Soul: Zone Drop)
Blinding Girdle of Truth (1650 valor)
Waistguard of Lost Time (End Time: All Echoes)
Belt of the Seven Seals (Honored con gli Avengers of Hyjal)

Paladin Tier 13 (Holy): Greaves of Radiant Glory - Greaves of Radiant Glory - Greaves of Radiant Glory (Dragon Soul: Yor'sahj the Unsleeping, Leggings of the Corrupted Conqueror)
Pyrium Legplates of Purified Evil (Blacksmithing: Pyrium Legplates of Purified Evil)
Time Altered Legguards (End Time: Murozond's Temporal Cache)
Paladin Tier 12 (Holy): Immolation Greaves - Immolation Greaves (2200 justice. Heroic token: Shannox)
Legplates of Absolute Control - Legplates of Absolute Control (Firelands: Shannox)

Pillarfoot Greaves - Pillarfoot Greaves - Pillarfoot Greaves (Dragon Soul: Morchok)
Silver Sabatons of Fury (1650 valor)
Boots of the Treacherous Path (Well of Eternity:  quest The Path to the Dragon Soul)
Treads of the Penitent Man - Treads of the Penitent Man (Firelands: Majordomo Staghelm)
Emberforged Elementium Boots (Blacksmithing: Emberforged Elementium Boots)